To have the certification is needed:
- Listeners via APC (Complementary Pedagogical Activity - CPA) at SALA VIRTUAL UNIMESTRE:
Via Sala Virtual: Watch via Sala Virtual Unimestre to all the lectures and respond the correspondent avaliation.
In-Person: Watch, at least, three periods* in-person and answer the correspondent avaliation (at Sala Virtual).
- Outside Listeners:
Via Outside Public Audience: Watch all the lectures and answer the questionary by the end.
- Participant
Via Sala Virtual, Outside Public Environment and In-Person: Submit until November, 17th, 2021 a poster, an abstract or a book launch, and watch the lectures.
*Each period: a morning, an afternoon or an evening. As example, the in-person listeners may watch two evenings and a afternoon.
How will be certificated
- Institution Public
Will have the certification registered in APCs (CPAs) at the Unimestre system.
- Students of AVA and Outside Public:
Will be certificated by email.